The U.S. Identity Preserved Assurance Plan and Mark were created and are managed by the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance, a national business association of companies focused on the production, processing and shipping of U.S. Identity Preserved field crops and their related products worldwide.
The U.S. Identity Preserved Assurance Plan is open all exporters and allied associations that wish to join. Write us about how to make this program work for your businesses or members. Let’s pull together in an allied system to explain the remarkable efforts in crop specialization that the United States achieves!
Funding for the U.S. Identity Preserved Assurance Plan and Mark and related activities comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Trade Promotion grant program, as well as from the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board, the Illinois Soybean Association and the Michigan Soybean Committee.
The program is also supported by the U.S. Soybean Export Council, the U.S. Grains Council and the work of Ag Management Solutions, Spire Research & Consulting, Rabbit/Broadhead and SSGA member volunteers and allies.
For more information on SSGA, visit soyagrainsalliance.org.

The mission of U.S. Identity Preserved is to bring together the United States’ IP industry and establish the U.S. as the quality origin for IP crops. The assurance plan helps all U.S. processors and exporters tell the story of the great care and attention-to-detail that goes into every shipment of our high-quality, premium agriculture products and ingredients.
U.S. production agriculture has a long and successful history of providing IP specialty food crops to the world food manufacturing community. U.S. growers and suppliers are quite famous for this in multiple different crop types, products and food industries. IP specialty soybean is a continuation of that platform and tradition.