Customers of U.S. Identity Preserved-certified suppliers are now able to begin using the Identity Preserved United States label on their retail packaging!
An eligible product is one that contains greater than 75 percent of its total soybean/grain ingredients from U.S. Identity Preserved-certified suppliers.
If your company is interested in including the U.S. Identity Preserved mark on your products, please complete the application below.
This confidential application will be reviewed by, and only by, authorized SSGA staff. Once approved, the company will sign a licensing agreement with SSGA and assessed a $250 annual fee. Approved companies bear the responsibility to be in compliance with their respective country’s labeling laws, rules and regulations. SSGA will provide education and assistance to companies, consumer affairs and other regulatory agencies upon request or assist a company in its work to get any label approvals.
SSGA will work with approved companies to market their products with the label and/or help educate consumers and customers about the label and dialogue with participating companies to better understand their customer base and what the value of this label means to their consumers.

It is the responsibility of each participant to follow the standards and rules and report irregularities or violations to usidentitypreserved.org. Violation of the standards or misuse of U.S. Identity Preserved Assurance Plan can result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use the mark.
Please complete the application below if your company is interested in including the U.S. Identity Preserved mark on your products.