The U.S. Identity Preserved system allows customers to order the specific crop varieties, traits and characteristics they desire to meet the needs of the products they manufacture. High-quality IP field crops demand a premium, but the certainty, verifiability and safety of those products make the extra costs worthwhile.

Why IP costs more
Identity Preserved grains and oilseeds cost more than conventional crops because they’re worth more – and they make the customers’ end products worth more. The extra cost, compared to the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) price, accounts for the extra care that goes into the strict segregation and rigorous U.S. Identity Preserved Assurance Plan practices that take place on the farm and at the processor and continue on through packaging and transportation.
This ensures customers get exactly what they order.
Ready made
Orders come ready-made for a purchaser’s food production. The process of cleaning and sorting is already complete, meaning investing more in an Identity Preserved product can actually save money through less waste and higher throughput. And a food company that uses IP ingredients can expect higher sales from producing a higher-quality product.
Plan ahead
U.S. Identity Preserved suppliers are ready to serve. However, it is important that you plan ahead when making your purchasing decisions. These premium crops are in high demand, so start having conversations with suppliers early enough so they have enough supply at the ready and, in the future, can secure adequate acreage and production to meet their customers’ needs. Planting decisions for a crop year are often made shortly after the previous year’s harvest is complete. And, if it’s a new variety or trait one seeks, the lead-time can be even longer.